Appointments in Norwich and Groton

New Legal Requirements Regarding Sexual Harassment Training and Compliance Resources

In the 2019 legislative session, the Connecticut General Assembly passed, and Governor Lamont signed, Public Acts 19-16 and 19-93, which together constitute legislation referred to as the Time’s Up Act.

Among other changes to the CHRO process, this legislation establishes new rules and requirements regarding sexual harassment training and education. These provisions and requirements go into effect October 1, 2019. The Act, which applies to employers with three or more employees, includes provisions requiring that:

  • Employers provide to all new employees a copy of information regarding the illegality of sexual harassment and remedies available to victims.
  • Employers provide all existing employees with two hours of training by October 1, 2020.
  • Employers provide two hours of training and education to all new employees hired on or after October 1, 2019 within six months of their start date.
  • Employers with fewer than three employees provide two hours of training and education to all existing supervisory employees by October 1, 2020 (or within six months to new supervisory employees).
  • Employers provide periodic supplemental training not less than every ten years.

The Time’s Up Act requires that the CHRO post information concerning sexual harassment and remedies available. The CHRO advises that it is currently in the process of developing and updating these materials and will make them available as they are completed.

The Act also requires the CHRO to develop an online training and education video and to make that available to employers at no cost. The CHRO advises that it is working on this project and aims to have the video completed and available by October 1, 2019, when the training requirements become effective for employers. 

Posters are presently available for download on the CHRO website (or by following the links below):

(The above information is taken from the Commission website as of 7/24/2019)