The Employment Practices Group is pleased to be able to offer businesses assistance in performing independent workplace investigations. In many situations, employers’ internal review processes are ill-suited to performing complete and unbiased investigations with respect to claims of workplace misconduct. Often, even the most well-intended internal investigation suffers from a perception of bias or predetermination. A well-constructed external review by an impartial investigator can mean the difference between experiencing a restored, productive work environment and defending a difficult lawsuit. Independent investigations are particularly useful in cases of sexual harassment complaints, discrimination claims, workplace misconduct and other circumstances where an impartial inquiry, review and reporting process is paramount.

Click below for more information on when and why to hire a workplace investigator.
Watch Jeff Buebendorf discuss issues relating to workplace investigations, filmed and presented by the Connecticut Bar Association

Jeff is a member of the Association of Workplace Investigators and has earned the AWI-CH designation after successfully passing ANSI-accredited testing connected with intensive training specifically focused on the performance of unbiased workplace investigations.